Fitness Competition

Trim that turkey gut in the Turkey Trim Competition!

Competition Dates

Start: Wednesday, October10
End: Wednesday, November 21

Point Accumulation

Weight loss: 1 percentage of body weight lost = 5 points
Exercise: 1000 calories burned through exercise = 1 point
Healthy Eating: Each day staying under calorie goal = 1/2 point

  1. "Calorie goal" set individually, but realistically. For example, I track my calories on to be sure I stay within my healthy calorie range. Mom uses her trusted portion chart to be sure she's eating the right portions of the right kinds of foods. It is up to you how you set your goal, but it has to be a competition worthy goal. If you don't feel like tracking what you eat, you just won't accumulate healthy eating points.
  2. No bingeing, purging, laxatives, diuretics or any other tactics that Tyler might normally use if we didn't have this rule.
  3. Tie-break. Any ties will be settled on Thanksgiving day by way of competition. Tie-break options: 100 yard dash, 5K time, pie eating competition (real pies), chicken fights, or a game of scrabble.
Entry fee

$10 competition entry fee.


Prizes will be given to overall winner as well as winners of each point category.

Additional Contests on Thanksgiving Day

Maximum pushups
Maximum pullups
Longest wall squat
Arm wrestling competition